I feel the call within myself to open my heart about this and dare to be honest about what lives inside me. And as you know, Joyffee -my "company" is an extension of myself, so this also applies to the way I do my work and run my business. I build my business from relaxation, confidence and "doing my thing", not from "having to make something", but I noticed that I have been challenged in this lately.
In recent months I noticed that I became anxious about social media, mainly due to the pressure I felt online in my field. Do not get me wrong; I have a lot of love for my colleagues and encourage everything related to awareness.
But what I have trouble with is that it seems like spirituality & healing is being hyped these days. For as long as I can remember, I have been extremely aware and spirituality is my nature. When I saw retreats, coaching, online courses, healings, etc. appearing more and more often, my soul felt a subconscious pressure. As if I suddenly have to force what feels natural to me. I have never had to "learn" to be spiritual, that has been strongly present in me since childhood and has only developed further. But I have never had the switch from unconscious to conscious life in this life. That spiritual switch has been on from an early age.
Without meaning to, I felt numb. I didn't want to share anything anymore about my coaching or events that I was going to organize, because I was afraid that I would disappear among the crowd and be "equalized". Yes I know, a gigantic piece of ego.
I've never fit into a playpen. All my life I have chosen to make bold choices and when everyone else goes to the right, to go left with confidence. In recent months it felt to me as if I was walking to the right. I was consciously looking for words to use in my posts that other coaches and/or healers certainly did not use 100 times in their posts, just to prove that I do things differently.
But damn, this made me tired. My next phase was avoidance. Then I just stopped coming to Instagram and I just didn't see anything passing by anymore. And then I started keeping myself small, not showing myself anymore. My body was screaming because I have a message to send. And it was a conscious choice at that moment to let the entire wellbeing/coaching/spiritual industry determine my self-worth. But hey, I'm only human. I've never had so much trouble finding balance between the earthly & spiritual, but I'm doing the work. I'm living the work.
β¨ Today I no longer look for the right words to describe what sets me apart and what makes me ME if they don't flow to me naturally.
β¨ Today I dare to trust from a deeper level that my Joyffee'ers feel what makes me unique and authentic as a spiritual coach & healer.
β¨ Today I know that I no longer have to hide away, because the spiritual offering is greater than ever, but that my light is needed.
β¨ Today I no longer stop doing what I love to do when I notice that people are copying (from inspiration, and here too I am grateful that Joyffee is seen as an example, and there is enough for everyone π).
β¨ Today I release the pressure that paralyzed and extinguished me, because I am confident and know that I am good at the spiritual work that I do and am grateful for the many beautiful results - that I have been able to achieve with my coaches - who have achieved this to confirm.
I express myself in the most authentic, real, pure, "raw" & full-fledged way and make room for others to do the same.π I like to sugarcoat my outfits, but not my transformation, my spiritual & personal development. And that is what my Joyffee'ers receive from me; plenty of room for REAL, deep growth to be able to see and be everything about yourself. To do the inner work, to heal, without sugarcoating. Open and honest. As I am here. Like I've always done, because I didn't know any different. That's my way of working. High vibe, energetic, but down to earth, because here on earth is where it can happen. What you see is what you get. I'm a real spiritual badass with my feet on the ground, ready to support you whenever you're ready. π
Just want to say;
This world needs you.
You in your magic.
You, exactly as you are.
With all your pain.
All of your humanity.
Your voice is powerful & your heart should be heard.
When you find yourself in situations you'd like to run away from; run back to yourself.
You're doing great, I see you & love you.